He had an operation in Paris, and now we do a physical therapy and prepare for the next operation.
[What are Erb-Duchenne and Dejerine-Klumpke Palsies?
The brachial plexus is a network of nerves that conducts signals from the spine to the shoulder, arm, and hand. Brachial plexus injuries are caused by damage to those nerves. Erb-Duchenne (Erb's) palsy refers to paralysis of the upper brachial plexus. Dejerine-Klumpke (Klumpke's) palsy refers to paralysis of the lower brachial plexus. Although injuries can occur at any time, many brachial plexus injuries happen when a baby's shoulders become impacted during delivery and the brachial plexus nerves stretch or tear. There are four types of brachial plexus injuries: avulsion, the most severe type, in which the nerve is torn from the spine; rupture, in which the nerve is torn but not at the spinal attachment; neuroma, in which the nerve has torn and healed but scar tissue puts pressure on the injured nerve and prevents it from conducting signals to the muscles; and neuropraxia or stretch, in which the nerve has been damaged but not torn. Neuropraxia is the most common type of brachial plexus injury. Symptoms of brachial plexus injury may include a limp or paralyzed arm; lack of muscle control in the arm, hand, or wrist, and lack of feeling or sensation in the arm or hand]
Currently Witek suffers from elbow contracture (cannot straighten the arm), the wrist is twisted (suspination), no possibility of turning it inwards (pronation impossible), it also hangs downwards (ulnarisation) . The finger movement range is very limited – he can move the thumb and the middle finger slightly, he can bend them ca. 20 degrees. He cannot lift the wrist.
In spite of rehabilitation, procedures and remedial periods the hand does not grow well, currently it is about 4-5 cm shorter than the healthy one. Because of limited movement range and functionality Witek uses the hand very little in everday activities, treating it merely as an auxiliary limb. Witek must rehabilitate the hand intensively and must want to use it. To achieve this, the hand must be more efficient.
Now, after the second operation, he have to rehabilitate the hand even harder. He can move his fingers a little more, but still have to use the hand. In spite of this he can't still pronate his wrist and can't straight the arm in elbow.
Now we are looking for good orthopedist around the world who can help Witek make his arm usable.
Last year we managed to participate in 4 re-medial periods in Children's Hospital in Dziekanow Lesny, we intend going for another period in July. We can see those sessions help Witek, he can do more with his hand after each visit – the hand is fuller and the fingers move a bit more. But the re-medial periods must continue for several years (until the bones are growing), unfortunately our funds are minimal. Each remedial period means for us the costs of the travel and stay. In addition to this, Witek undergoes rehabilitation at home – yet waiting for the Social Healthcare scheduled visits is several months.
Now, june 2013, we are after consultation with german prof. J.bahm, who told us to do another operation on forearm in fall 2013. Cost of this operation is about 6000 Euros. If You can help us gather the money, we will be very thankful.
Therefore we kindly ask you for help for Witek, every dollar, euro of pound is important to us! Every penny gets Witek’s hand closer to dexterity. We want our son so much to be like his peers – and his disabled hand to be as the other one.
Informations about accounts and donation for rehabilitation of Witek
Bank account numbers to pay in money:
(Polish Foundation for brachial plexus)
Dziekanów Leśny
ul. M. Konopnickiej 1/189
05-092 Łomianki
Numer konta w walucie
07 1050 1054 1000 0023 3999 8326
This account is SAFE and SECURE. Money are transfered on Polish Foundation's bank account.
Your money will be directly send to Witek, but It's important to write in bank tranfer's title " FOR WITEK GLOD " or " WITEK GLOD" *
* GLOD is an english typing for GŁÓD in Polish
Also, You can donate Witek by PayPal, on Witek's parents private account, which was created just for donations for rehabilitation of Witek.
It's only one click and You can donate Witek , just write the amount in $
Thank You very much !